
Victor Ivanovich Petrik

Full Member, Academician of Russian Academy of natural sciences, Russian technological academy, Petrovskaya academy of sciences and arts, International academy of sciences, ecology and nature, Honoured member of European university.

The author of four scientific discoveries:
“Phenomenon of magnetic-ordered state of osmium-187 isotope in the ferromagnetic matrix”, Diploma No.180.
“Phenomenon of generation of nanostructured carbon complexes”, Diploma No.163.
“Phenomenon of nuclear spin selectivity in reversible chemical reactions with graphenes”, Diploma No.312.
“Regularity of generation of the geometric spatial multidimensional structure using the mathematical golden section algorithm”, Diploma No.163.

V.I. Petrik has established the following research centres in Russia:


1. In 1991 he established a private research laboratory being the first private research laboratory in new Russia.

2. In 1997 the Research institute of physics of fullerenes and new materials has been established being a limited liability company (LLC) and the first Russian private research institute, which founders are Russian Academy of natural sciences, Nauchpribor CJSC and V.I. Petrik, a natural person.

3. In 2007 the second private research institute has been established in Russia, Research institute of supramolecular systems and nanotechnologies LLC, which founders are Dubna International institute of nuclear research, State international university of nature, society and man and V.I. Petrik, a natural person. V.I. Petrik was elected the scientific leader of the institute.

4. In 2008 Research institute of supremolecular systems and information technologies LLC has been established. The institute has been founded by V.I. Petrik's company, Golden Formula Holding LLC, and M.A. Boch-Bruyevich state university of telecommunications

V.I. Petrik is the author of two scientific monographs:

Optical armoured ceramics. Spinel. Published by Regional printing house No.1, Irkutsk, 2011.

Anti-Stokes compounds and technologies based thereon. Published by Regional printing house No.1, Irkutsk, 2012.